Sustainability at CaderaDesign

Sustainability is one of our major concerns and does not only influence our work, but also the way we interact with each other. We base our efforts and actions on the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

We are EMASplus certified.

This certification meets the highest standards in terms of environmental management. EMAS is an environmental management system developed by the European Union. It is designed to help companies and organizations reduce their environmental impact and improve their sustainability performance. EMAS meets all the requirements of the international standard DIN EN ISO 14001:2010 and supplements them with additional criteria. EMASplus adds social and economic components to environmental management in order to establish an integrated and holistic management system.

The certification process took one year. The final step was a sustainability report and an environmental statement.

You can download our Sustainability Report here →

A healthy life for all people.

Improving people's health and well-being is part of our mission. We design attractive and ergonomic working environments that are a pleasure to work in. Dealing with our customers in a spirit of partnership and appreciation is important to us. And we want to create an enriching and healthy environment for our employees.

By implementing climate and environmental protection measures, we try to work for the health and living conditions of all people.

Our stages: Sustainability management, certifications and consulting

We want to continuously improve our own environmental performance. We would like to further develop and apply our environmental and sustainability management system EMASplus. We are also working towards climate neutrality.

As a sustainable company, we want to set an example. We also want to share our new insights with others. Because the more companies from our sector join in, the greater the impact in the end. We also want to advise our customers more and more in the area of ecology for sustainable industrial design and sustainable software.

Our path to more sustainability

In our projects

  • We design attractive and ergonomic working environments that are a pleasure to work in
  • We advise and support our clients in the development of sustainable products
  • We increasingly use remote appointments and workshops to save long journeys
  • We are particularly proud of our non-profit initiative project "Corona Dashboard of the City of Würzburg", which was published in July 2021.
  • We are working with a client on a climate dashboard

In the team

  • We have a sustainability team that meets regularly
  • We prefer to use trains and public transport
  • We avoid flights and journeys by car
  • We offer our employees bicycle leasing with BusinessBike
  • We prefer to serve vegan and vegetarian food at our team events
  • We raise awareness together for a greener office life or social issues such as gender-equitable language and accessibility

In the office

  • We are EMASplus certified
  • We avoid plastic waste and drastically reduce our paper consumption
  • We source goods (e.g. office supplies) from regional, fair and ecological shops
  • We use green hosting
  • We use green electricity
  • We buy regional water from glass bottles
  • We use personalised washable cotton towels instead of paper towels only

Sustainable UX Design / Sustainable Software Design

Sustainable digitalisation helps to save resources and reduce CO2. There are already passive effects during development. The project work can already be made sustainable, e.g. by creating design systems or structured project management. In the application case, sustainable software can have a positive impact on climate and environment. For example, effective production planning or order management can help save electricity. When developing HMIs, a mobile app or using artificial intelligence, social aspects can also be taken into account. The positive effects for users can be seen in different areas such as health, well-being, equality and accessibility. Finally, certification can create transparency and make sustainability for your product visible to the outside world.

Sustainable Industrial Design

Sustainability can be considered at all stages of the industrial design process. An important step is, of course, the saving and choice of materials, also with regard to recyclability and return to the cycle. The choice of production methods also plays a special role from both an ecological and a social point of view. How maintenance and repair take place and how products can be made usable for as long as possible should also be examined. After all, the service life and usability of a product can already be improved in its basic modular design.

Let's tackle it together and start a sustainable future with us!

Our customers' requirements give rise to sustainable ideas and products. We can help you get on track with our large portfolio of methods and ideas.

Sherrie Blackman-Linse, Sustainability Officer at CaderaDesign