Our team

Our daily motivation is to make the world simpler and more sustainable. We are characterised by creativity, comprehensive expertise and a flair for high-quality design. Respectful interaction with one another is encouraged through regular supervision and team events, while our location in Bürgerbräu Würzburg offers ideal conditions for inspired and relaxed working. All this contributes to the fact that we are an enthusiastic team characterised by extremely low staff turnover.

A healthy life for all people

Part of our mission is to improve people's health and well-being. Through our work, we create attractive and ergonomic working environments that are a pleasure to work in. Sustainability is not just an option for us, but an obligation. As an EMASplus-certified company, we fulfil the requirements of the international standard DIN EN ISO 14001:2010 and implement additional criteria. This self-image not only characterises our work, but also our daily cooperation. We endeavour to create an enriching and healthy environment for our employees. We maintain a partnership-based and respectful relationship with our customers.

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More than 40 technology specialists

We are a team of designers and IT specialists who work on an interdisciplinary basis and are familiar with complex technical issues. Our core competences in UX design, usability engineering, user interface design and industrial design are complemented by an extensive network of specialists from other fields.

Get to know us!

Tom Cadera

Tom Cadera

  • Management
  • UX & Usability Engineering
  • User Interface Design
  • Industrial Design
Steven Schmidt

Steven Schmidt

  • UX & Usability Engineering
  • User Interface Design
  • Front-End Programming
Florian Fuchs

Florian Fuchs

  • UX & Usability Engineering
  • User Interface Design
Ulrich Wirths

Ulrich Wirths

  • Project Organisation
  • Team Coordination
  • Customer Support
Susanne Vitzthum

Susanne Vitzthum

  • Assistant to the Management
  • IT Management
Amelie Reich

Amelie Reich

  • UX & Usability Engineering
  • User Interface Design
  • Icon Design
Christoph Döring

Christoph Döring

  • User Interface Design
  • Corporate Icon Management
  • Front-End Programming
Christoph Homuth

Christoph Homuth

  • User Interface Design
  • Icon Design
  • Frontend-Programmierung
David Sauer

David Sauer

  • UX & Usability Engineering
  • User Research
Elisabeth Scheer

Elisabeth Scheer

  • User Interface Design
Felix Ebner

Felix Ebner

  • UX & Usability Engineering
Franziska Schätzlein

Franziska Schätzlein

  • UX & Usability Engineering
Frederic Cadera

Frederic Cadera

  • Industrial Design
Katinka Melichar

Katinka Melichar

  • UX & Usability Engineering
  • User Interface Design
  • Marketing
Lara Vierheilig

Lara Vierheilig

  • User Interface Design
  • Icon Design
Lucas Dittebrand

Lucas Dittebrand

  • UX & Usability Engineering
  • User Interface Design
  • Motion Design
  • Icon Design
Matthias Hofner

Matthias Hofner

  • User Interface Design
  • Icon Design
  • Front-End Implementation
Nancy Weber

Nancy Weber

  • UX & Usability Engineering
  • User Interface Design
  • Icon Design
René Fleischer

René Fleischer

  • UX & Usability Engineering
  • User Interface Design
  • Front-End Programming
Sherrie Blackman-Linse

Sherrie Blackman-Linse

  • Teamassistenz
Sonja Müller

Sonja Müller

  • Teamassistenz
Stella Cadera

Stella Cadera

  • Personnel Management
  • Assistant
thi Phuong Tran

thi Phuong Tran

  • UX & Usability Engeneering
  • User Interface Design
  • Front-End Programming
Tim Schneider

Tim Schneider

  • UX & Usability Engineering
Timo Mittasch

Timo Mittasch

  • UX & Usability Engineering
  • User Interface Design
  • Icon Design
Volker Heise

Volker Heise

  • Industrial Design
  • User Interface Design
  • UX & Usability Engineering